Exhibition Views

9 Artists, 9 Days
Vienna Collector’s Club
Otto Wagner Pavillon (AT)

Exhibition views: Michaela Putz, Bildrecht

SOLO, with Galerie Rudolf Leeb
Vienna Collector’s Club (AT)

Exhibition views: Anna Ignatovich, Courtesy Vienna Collectors Club

Plants, Sand, Sea 
xyz, Lisbon (PT)
DUO with Laura Sperl

Photos: Laura Sperl, Michaela Putz

with the kind support of:

Between Light & Shadow
Loom, Vienna (AT)
DUO with Hessam Samavatian
curated by Paula Marschalek

Photos: Theresa Wey

Feelings Are Facts (ANGST)
Kunstverein Eisenstadt
curated by Vitus Weh

Photo: Rudolf Strobl

OstLicht.Galerie für Fotografie
by Fotogalerie Wien (AT)
November 2022 - January 2023

with Robert Bodnar, Oliver Laric, Julian Lee-Harather, Simon Lehner, Martina Menegon, Ruth Schnell 
Photos: Michael Michlmayr, 2022 

Memory Matter.
The Relationship Between Objects and Our Self
at Museum Villa Rot
06 November 2022 – 12 February 2023

with: Sara Cwynar, Cinzia Delnevo, Jan Borreck, Chris Harrison, Damian Heinisch, Barbara Iweins, Since Dillenkofer,
Johannes Gramm, Christian Boltanski, curated by Sophie-Charlotte Opitz

Photos: Xavi Gonzalez, 2022

Flora Iranica
Yassi Foundation, Teheran/Iran
curated by Farshido Larimian
July 2022

Photos: Yassi Foundation, 2022

OHO Oberwart
November 2022

Red Carpet Showroom Vienna
February 2022

Proximity and Distance
Flederhaus / KulturQuartier Vienna
July - September 2022

with: Michaela Putz, Julia Belova, Miryana Sarandeva, Felix Weisz, Nayeun Park, Simon Goritschnig, Peter Schönhardt, Daniela Trinkl, Jasmin Edelbrunner, Michael Wegerer
curated by Katerina Dimitrova

Simon Lehner, Flavia Mazzanti and Michaela Putz
Salzamt, Linz (in cooperation with Bildrecht, in the program of Ars Electronica Festival)
September 2021

Photos: Anna-Katharina Nickel, 2021

Duo with Mato Lagator
Mikrogalerija CPN in Belgrade/Serbia

Interactive Installation in public space
Panel Discussion about “the digital and the anthropocene” at the center for the promotion of science on December 2nd.
December 2021 - February 2022

Photos: Marko Risovi

Group Show 
Sculpture Garden at Schloss Vienna
September 2020

Group show
NÖ DOK - Dokumentationszentrum für moderne Kunst St. Pölten 
January 2020

Photos: Sonja Dürnberger

light specific
Group show
minus zwei Vienna
September 2020

Photo: Roland Zygmunt

Group show
TIM NOLAS, Vienna 

Photos: Tim Nolas

Group Show | FOTO WIEN
Kunstraum Nestroyhof
März 2019

Photos: Philipp Pess

Ars Electronica Festival 2018
with Philipp Pess

Showing the work “Traces of Seemingly Insignificant Gestures”
Bildrecht - Gallery Space, Linz

September 2018

©Michaela Putz, Bildrecht 2024